Thursday, December 25, 2008
Surviving to Live Another Day...
Sledding, Lego building, and picture taking later, it's time for a snack.
Here are some pics I uploaded of the fun. I feeling that good kind of tired coming on. Best Wishes to all and Merry Christmas!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
A (Near) Christmas Story

As the kid says in "A Christmas Story" Oh, I think I shot my eye out! Not really, the kiddo who looks like a pugilist actually got injured in a modern way. He was visiting his Mom's office and using one of the computers to keep out of trouble, when suddenly he felt the urge to jump up and hit his left eye on the corner of a glass shelf that was behind him on his right. Let the joyous screaming begin!!! After a trip to the local fire department for triage, we headed to the local clinic (which was closed for lunch). Patiently sobbing, we got to see a Doc who referred us to an opthamalogist about 30 minutes away. Thankfully, no permanent damage was done, but he has a corneal laceration from mid-pupil down to his lower eyelid.
I might note we took this picture in mirror image to accentuate the look.
The same day before the glass shelf incident, subject kiddo noticed our doggy had weird pouches on the backs of his hind knees. I checked them out and called the vet and scheduled a same day. Since I was occupied running #1 to various medical concerns, Momma took Pippin to the vet. I'm sure the tech had a good laugh when she manipulated the pouches to find out they were simply fur balls the snow had pushed up and made firm.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Got to Get Revved Up
Hope you'll stay tuned.