We've pretty much settled on the next stop on our trip, Waterbury VT, the home of Ben and Jerry's. Sorry, our freezer is a little too small to bring samples along with us the whole trip, but we'll do our best to test as many flavors as we can for you. Let me say, we think this first part of our trip is more sightseeing than house hunting. We both are fairly sure we'd like to live in a place where you can get to winter fairly easily, but don't have to live in its gray, ultra cold clutches to find nearby skiing a few times per winter.
Enough talk about cold. Let me get you up to speed on what's happen the last couple days. As you may have guessed, internet here has been spotty...Mom and Dad are too low tech to have their own connection. That means we either have to travel to a hotspot or use a unsecured neighbors' net to get to you. So far the latter has been barely sufficient...but that's the easiest to do.
Yesterday, David made two trips to post without the horde. Before leaving VA, he picked up a tick bite and had to have the head removed by a Doc at the Pentagon.
While here, having not heard back from his Dr on the identification of the tick, the sore started to look like Lyme Disease's tell tale bullseye, so it was off to test the Army's clinic. He first called the Tricare (HMO for you non-military readers) appointment line and was told, he was not in the local system, so he had to go into the clinic to get the appointment. Fortunately, Mom and Dad live about 7 miles from the clinic, so this was a minor inconvenience. And the appointment turned out to be almost a non-event, as we finally heard back from the Pentagon clinic that the tick was a Amblyomma Americanum or a Lone Star tick -- not a vector for Lyme. In the end, the Dr determined the bandaid was probably the culprit for the rash near the bite and gave him some cortisone cream--a relief for all.

Minor drama aside, we took lots of little walks with Pippin around the town and have been catching up on reading and family. Here are a few pictures of things you don't see too often:
A wasp nest shaped like a balloon...
And a wren poking her head out after feeding her chicks:

1 comment:
Squirrels raid nests? Do they eat the eggs?
I'm glad David doesn't have Lyme disease.
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