Just a few words on Wal*Mart camping: it’s free but it sucks. We pulled in to the Chambersburg, PA, Wal*Mart at 9:30pm, waved at the guy parking his fifth wheel two rows away, and settled in for bed. The parking lot lights made the inside of Fezzik look like mid-day at a well-treed campground, so we hung beach towels and sleeping bags to darken the place. We slept great except the drag racers at 11:30, the street sweepers at 12:30 and the dumpster-emptying garbage trucks at 2:30. I can’t believe there are people who Wal*Mart camp on a regular basis.
On July 3rd we made our triumphant return to Dumfries, Virginia, taking up residence in the same camp site we had used just a few short weeks ago. After stopping at Five Guys for burgers and fries, and borrowing the Panera WiFi, we set up camp. We went to bed early (see the notes above.)
The Fourth started out clear and beautiful. The kids played at the playground and swam in the pool, then we headed for the Altobelli’s home about 5pm for their annual Fourth of July Festivities. Mary put on her usual amazing spread: burgers, hot dogs, bbq chicken, salads, fruit, fruit, fruit, and lots of great desserts. Plus most of our favorite Virginians were there. Unlike last year, the storm held off and we didn’t get drenched. Dan only had time to light about half of the huge pile of fireworks before the official ones started across the lake. The Altobelli’s house is right on the lake and they have a three-level deck with a spectacular view of both the lake and the fireworks.
This morning, the kids and I met my bowling/stamping/knitting/coffee buddies, Karen and Juliet, at Panera while David took the van to get inspected for its license renewal. Unfortunately, it didn’t pass the safety inspection and we had to get new tires. It’s done now and ready to sit, unused, in front of the Gately’s house until we find that perfect spot to call home and one of us flies back to retrieve it. (I’m lobbying for that to be me. The gals and I have a lot more coffee drinking/stamping/bowling/knitting to do!)
After our sad farewells, we’re off again, headed south towards Smithfield, North Carolina. We’re going to check out the Raleigh/Chapel Hills area, then head west towards Asheville. See y’all later.
Link to more Pics from the 4th:
And here's a 2 minute video of the Montclair VA fireworks on the 4th:
1 comment:
Only four photos? I guess we aren't all that photogenic...
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