Monday, March 9, 2009

Apologies for Slacking

Hey out there! Sorry about not writing is so long. And apologies to our normal Christmas card recipients too! I guess you could say we've been busy again and just plain preoccupied with local life.

Friday was a big night for us--the 2nd Annual Sisters Parent Teacher Community Green and Gold Gala. This was a fund-raising auction held at Brand 33 restaurant at Aspen Lakes Golf Club. We were heavily involved again this year, from planning, advertising, soliciting donations, helping with a classroom project, updating the blog, writing Tweets, and pulling off the big evening. David was the computer master again, and Julia used her stamping and paper skills to create wonderful displays, signs and just make the place look great. (There's a link to the right if you want to read about it/see stuff).

Anyway, that's over and on to other important business like deciding what to do with the kids 2-week Spring break. We had planned to fly back East, but they've had a horrible Winter and it's not letting go we're putting that off 'til Summer. So apologies to our relatives too!

Oh, and we're done battling the Tax Man this year (we won, sort of) -- so no more excuses. We will update a little more often.

Hope you're all surviving the world we live in today. Don't know what we'd do if we hadn't made the choices we did to get where we are. It sure seems ugly out there.

Take Care and let us know what your piece of reality is like from time to time.

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