Thursday, December 13, 2007

My First Day of Work

You know you've been hanging around the school A LOT when they put you on the payroll. A couple weeks back, the secretaries at the Elementary asked us if we'd be willing to substitute for them. Their previous subs have all gotten full-time jobs, so they couldn't take time off. Of course we said yes. It doesn't pay a lot, but it pays more than volunteering!

So yesterday was my first day of (paid) work in over ten years. Fortunately for me, I only had to work a half day. As luck would have it, they had a planned Lock-Down drill that afternoon. The intercom wasn't working, and the teachers couldn't hear the bells in the classrooms, but I got my part right: locking the office door. Otherwise, I learned to answer the phones (only cutting off Mr B. on the intercom three times) and to find a student's phone number when they miss their bus. The school staff is a fun group, and it was a fairly slow day, so I survived. David's turn is next Wednesday.

On the down side, I got my third rejection letter today. Maybe a few months of subbing will make me look more employable? David is waiting to hear on a Forest Service job that closed out yesterday. Keep your fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Juliet A said...

Subbing is good, you never have to work when your kids are out of school.

I feel for David - it takes forever for those government jobs to go through sometimes.