Saturday, February 21, 2009

HooDoo2 -- Do You?

Max and Doug take to the slopes of HooDoo once again one recent icy Friday night in February. This video is just over 3 minutes long...sorry about the canned music...the real audio was sporadic--though funny at times.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Kiddos Skiing at HooDoo

A little video using our little Canon point and shoot digital camera. Best footage is of Bridget...less than a minute long so enjoy!

Here's a few still pictures here:

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Employment Free Again!

As a belated birthday present, the Chamber laid off my beloved this morning. I think we knew it was coming long before they did. After all, how can you continue to operate when you're looking at a huge deficit? I'm happy to have her back home with me...but we're still trying to wash the whole bad feeling off of the last couple weeks there. You can read more about it at the newspaper's site if you care to:

Good thing we're smart enough to know Sisters is not well represented by this situation.


Sunday, February 1, 2009