Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Life is Crazy

The auction is fast approaching and we're heavily involved. This week David has been putting together the catalog so it can go to print early next week. After a slow start, we got a LOT of donations--almost two weeks after the cut-off date they're still rolling in. Not that we're going to turn anyone down! But we'll have to stop accepting items pretty soon--we've got to finalize the catalog. I've been spending my time doing whatever Melanie, our event coordinator, needs me to do--selling tickets, making arrangements with the venue, designing posters, editing item descriptions, setting up for the "grand unveiling," standing out in the parking lot in a leprechaun hat trying to drum up business. You know, the usual.

Ticket sales are not going quite as well. Everyone tells us people around here tend to procrastinate, so keep your fingers crossed for us. We've sold about 70 tickets so far, and we were hoping to have 200 people. But there was an article in the newspaper this week (it comes out on Wednesdays) and ticket sales are picking up. Unfortunately, the chef needs a rough count by the end of the week, and final by Wednesday, so our ticket sales were supposed to end Friday. We've extended until Tuesday, praying that most people WON'T wait until the last minute. Of course, only about 25% of the committee members have bought tickets so far, so I guess we can't complain about procrastinators too much!

We've probably mentioned before that each class made a project for the auction. If you'd like to see pictures of the items, just click on the Gold and Green Gala link to the right, listed under "Some of our favorite links" You'll recognize Bridget's class (under the First Grade link) from the photo on a previous post; Max is in the Life Skills class. In fact, most of those handprints are his--the other kids weren't too keen on getting their hands gooey. He's also in Mrs Holden and Mrs Jacobsen's class, (Fourth Grade) but their project isn't finished yet.

If you don't hear from us for the next few weeks, don't despair--we're just going crazy with the final details. We'll let you know how it all turns out.

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